Dear friends,
Here is more info. I have given local descriptions to the parcels in hopes of clarifying locations.
Also, here is Dave Hallock's input on Magnolia parcels: My editorial comments are in italics.
Magnolia Road
Township 1S Range 72W
Section 19 - 40 acres {I, Jennifer, believe he means Section 15, not 19. It would include the Turtle Rock, Range Road, and (Bennett/Spangler Parcels. My estimate shows 200 acres. Descriptions: Turtle Rock Parcel - NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 15, T1S, R72W; Range Road Parcel - NE1/4 of SW1/4, NW1/4 of SE1/4, and SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sectrion 15, T1S, R72W; Bennet/Spangler Parcel - NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 15, T1S, R72W.)
Section 20 - 193 acres Map shows 233. (Reynolds Open Space and Loop Trails Parcel. Descriptions: Reynolds Open Space - SE1/4 of Section 20, irregular pieces of SW1/4 of Section 20, T1S, R72W. Loop Trail Parcel - NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 20, T1S, R72W.)
Section 21 - 160 acres ( Lazy z Parcel, 40 acre parcel southwest of Boy Scout Trails, and Rt 97 Parcel. Descriptions - Boy Scout Parcel - NW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 21, T1S, R72W. Lazy z Parcel - SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 21, T1S, R72W. Rt. 97 Parcel - SW1/4 and SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 21, T1S, R72W.)
Section 40 - 40 acres (Map shows 200 acres) (Sections only go from 1 to 36, so I'm not sure what he means.)
Total Acreage: 473 in the list, 633 on the map
Values and Conservation Context: These lands are part of an elk/wildlife movement corridor between Winiger Ridge and lands west of the Peak-to-Peak Highway, and within elk winter range. They are designated as an Overland Habitat Connector on the Environmental Conservation Areas map of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan. Some of the parcels (those in Sections 19, 20, and a portion of 21) are adjacent to Reynolds Ranch Open Space and other County Open Space acquisitions in the area. Some of the parcels in all four sections are adjacent to other National Forest lands. The parcels in Section 19 south of Nederland contain public trails.
Me speaking again ---
Our local concerns are with our elk habitat, fragmentation of habitat for birds and small mammals, including bobcats, plus our personal reasons for living here.
Funding for rural schools needs to come from a source more consistant than a one-time land sale of parcels that have local importance to their surrounding communities and wildlife.
All our parcels are in T1S, R72W. When referring to them, you must also use the description I have listed for each, i.e., SW1/4 of NW1/4, etc, including the Section number and Township and Range.
I really couldn't send out a smaller map, so I apologize to anyone whose computer burps and falls over. Dan says the official maps from USFS, etc, are "junk." What ridiculously cumbersome mapping programs!
Please also read Dave Halleck's complete comments in Scott's email about USFS Secure Rural Schools Land Sales Initiative. And, for extra oomph, follow the "discussions" on Puma-news!
Best to all,
Here are people to contact, including the USFS email address:
Senator Wayne Allard
Washington D.C. telephone 202-224-5941
District telephone 303-220-7414
Senator Ken Salazar
Washington D.C. telephone 202-224-5852
District telephone 303-455-7600
Rep. Mark Udall
Washington D.C telephone 202-225-2161
District Office telephone 303-650-7820
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