Saturday, June 04, 2005

[puma-news] Cinnamon bear

About 7 - 7:15pm we had a visit from a cinnamon colored bear. I think
it was not an adult -- it was not very big, not as HUGE as the one I saw
on 359, but probably not Bonnie's bear, as it wasn't that small.

Jennifer & Dan
Pine Glade

[puma-news] Caramel Bear

Dear Magnolia Road People
The delight...of seeing a caramel colored adolescent bear (about 2
feet high, maybe 3 feet long) running through the space in front of my
house, as I washed dishes at 6:45 pm on 6/4/05.
It looked as though something had spooked it, and it was on the
My house is near the 6 mile marker off Magnolia Rd.

Bonnie Sundance
Caring for the Earth, all beings and working for Peace & Justice