Friday, June 24, 2005

[puma-news] bear

Hi all,
On the bear side of things---

Roz tells an amusing story about a bear that got into her kitchen,
opened the freezer, and ate the ice cream. She thought it was her cat,
except that "it sounded so heavy." Fortunately, she didn't go down and
check until next morning!


[puma-news] juniper and voles

I'm sending this out again.
Thanks, George!

The information we have gathered suggests that this is due to a really
healthy crop of voles over the last couple of years. They eat the
juniper roots. Local authorities are suggesting we remove the dead
juniper because of the fire hazard.

George K. Watson

[puma-news] lions

Around the 10th or 11th, Roz McClellan and her son plus a friend watched
a lion stuff itself with fresh elk in their meadow.

Shorty thereafter, Rob Ellis went to investigate the carcass and
realized a lion was walking past. The lion went into some chokecherry

John McC saw a lion on Magnolia two days ago at mile 2.5.

They're out there! We love living with wildlife, but please, everyone,
stay sensible and stay safe. Lions are typically out at dawn and dusk,
but have been seen at other times as well. Think twice about your solo
jog through the woods.

See you at the potluck!

[puma-news] Horse hay

I am happy to say I just learned of a close source for hay.
One of our UPS delivery persons also grows certified weed-free hay on
his property in Hygiene.

75# bales, $3 in the field now

Will be barn stored.
Cow hay also available.

David Sebedos

Tell your horsie friends who aren't on PUMA mailing list!
