Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Climbed Arapahoe Peak

Last Sunday, I went back and did a climb that I've not done in about a decade. I climbed South Arapahoe Peak. The tailhead is about a 3/4 hour drive from here. The Arapahoe Peaks are prominent around here because they are a pair of "thirteeners" sitting right on the continental divide.

Of course I had to take pictures:
After getting to the top of South Arapahoe Peak, I decided that I finally had the time to climb on over to North Arapahoe Peak. The only way to get there is along a long semicircle knife edge that connects the South to the North Peak. The pictures tell the story.

Camping in the neighborhood.

Seeing Don's video below reminded me that I've not previously posted a link to a video I did nearly 3 years ago.

Dolphins Watching in the Florida Keys

I told my friend Don Paris how easy it is to post videos to

Here's what he came up with:

Now he's all excited about getting more of his videos out too!