Sunday, September 15, 2013

Must have handy links for staying informed about the Boulder Flood

Following is a consolidated ‘must have’ list:

Following are for Fires:
 Thanks Atashnaa for putting this together.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Local Example of the "Boulder Flood"

The local road up here used to be called "Haul Road" because it was used to haul materials out of Gross Reservoir when it was being built. Well it looks like the floods of September 2013 did a bit of hauling on their own. It all starts out innocently enough...

... but then quickly becomes this 8 foot deep gully....

all in a day or two!

This gully was sighted just past the turn off that goes up to 359

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Unexpected Death of a Chistmas Tree

Last December 11, I wrote a post about a trail side trimming of a trail side Christmas tree:

Well, I'm sorry to report that the tree is no more.

Over the last two weeks, a group of about 4 lumberjacks hired by the forest service came through and did a massive amount of thinning of the sunny side of Winiger Ridge.

When it was all done, I noticed that the "Christmas Tree" had been cut down and chopped into pieces.

Here's the scene:

All of this thinning is supposed to reduce fire danger.  But it comes at the price that the thinned forest looks like destruction zone for a while.