Wednesday, October 11, 2006

[puma-news] Documentary on firefighters

The History Channel has made a documentary on firefighters in this country.
It airs at 6PM on 10/13 and 2PM on 10/22.

Over 70% of firefighters in this country are volunteers. Most of Magnolia
Road is served by High Country Fire Department, which has no paid
firefighters. The bottom two miles (or so) of Magnolia are served by
Sugarloaf and the extreme western end is Nederland Fire's district. There
are never enough volunteers, so we often are called for "mutual aid". HCFD
has responded to structure fires for both Nederland and Sugarloaf in the
last month. Luckily, we haven't had one of our own (knock on my wooden

I must say that what I've seen of this documentary is surprisingly
realistic. If you've ever wondered what it's like, or why people volunteer
to be firefighters, it's worth watching.

There are numerous clips and interviews at the website linked above.

If anyone reading this is interested in becoming a High Country firefighter,
the easiest way is to call Sheila at 303-642-3588. If you aren't sure, and
have questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them, or refer you to someone
who can answer them.

If you want to help your neighbors, it's what we do.


~ the chart guy

John Carder, CMT
Topline Investment Graphics
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